Having explored the topic of entropy over the last few posts, we’ve arrived at one single idea.
Entropy is not simply a dead flat fact of life, but a direction. Like sand falling in an hourglass, everything is constantly slipping downwards.
A garden is a picture of paradise, yes, and once created we are destined to forever act as gardeners – left unattended it doesn’t take long until everything is wild anarchy again.
The answer to entropy is an attitude of diligence and a stance of humility and care.
Question, where in your life is missing your humility, responsibility and care? Are you taking ownership for the upkeep of your health? Your family? Your relationship? Your work environment?
Here at Cad-Capture, we admire those who deliver big on performance whilst taking care of the details; it's an excellence that we always see demonstrated by the large asset intensive industries that we support. It's because of their clarity, diligence and care that the world stands upright.
Whilst large builds and achievements are easy to acknowledge, due diligence in maintenance and upkeep is very much out of sight but to neglect our diligence is quite literally, the beginning of the end.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this series on entropy. Take care of the little things, Cad-Capture