Cad-Capture have been an OpenText partner for over 15 years and have a range of value adding engineering solutions that work across the OpenText ECM range.
OpenText’s purchase of Hummingbird brought partners such as Cad-Capture into the OT ecosystem. Prior to this acquisition Cad-Capture were an established reseller and developer for the Hummingbird system – now known as eDOCS DM within the OpenText product range.
Cad-Capture now have a range of products listed on the OpenText price list as part of the Solution Extension (SolEx) programme. These products include CAD management tools, asset tag extraction, bulk index and upload solutions right through to the full AIM Suite which delivers Asset Centric Navigation. These solutions work across the OT ECM range – including Content Suite™ (formerly Livelink and Content Server), Documentum™ and eDOCS DM.
View the OpenText Solution Overview document here.

Content Suite & Documentum™
Cad-Capture have provided engineering add-ons to the Content Suite™ solution set for over a decade. Our key strategic offering is The AIM Suite™ (Asset Information Management), facilitating the identification, extraction, classification, validation, and activation of asset information in engineering drawings and documents – culminating in the creation of HotSpots™. Deployment of the full AIM suite gives clients access to true ‘Asset Centric Navigation’, giving the ability to drill down to related documents and drawings or access related systems – all by clicking on the asset tag itself.
Supporting native CAD files and searchable PDFs, The AIM Suite unlocks, accesses and activates valuable engineering content. On top of this is the ability it gives to break down the barriers between structured and unstructured information and systems – linking the asset tags it identifies with allied systems containing related information, e.g. Asset Management, ERP, Specialised Drawing Management repositories and other ECMs, etc.
As well as working with the base Content Suite system, The AIM Suite also supports the xECM for SAP, xECM for Engineering and Brava! products.
The AIM Suite also supports the Documentum™ product range. Working with the D2 platform, including the Asset Operations solution, we now provide the same ground-breaking Asset Centric Navigation functionality to the market leading Documentum tool set and its worldwide user base.

Cad-Capture provide a complete engineering suite for eDOCS, facilitating drawing and engineering document management within the eDOCS DM platform. Whether you need to create or manage/ update native CAD files within eDOCS, import/export packs of multiple CAD files (including Xrefs), or view and mark-up native CAD drawings within eDOCS DM, Cad-Capture have a solution that can work for you. In addition to this we also offer the AIM suite functionality within the eDOCS platform – automatically identifying Assets with AssetXtractor™ and activating them as dynamic HotSpots™.